Prefabricated house solutions Take place among the popular and powerful alternatives for housing and construction sector due to their many advantages they offered from different aspects.
Prefabricated house models having different superiorities in the matters constituting the foundational stone of a building such as installation, insulation, durability, cost and the like, turns into an alternative became prominent particularly when compared to concrete buildings.
Prefabricated houses, which are a much more suitable option in terms of environmental health, features forward-looking and promising alternatives not only in respect of comfort, but also in respect of environmental sensitivity. In order to better understand the advantages offered by prefabricated houses, you can take a look at 5 basic properties that are different from those of reinforced concrete houses.
1. Manufacturing and installation of prefabricated house is much shorter than reinforced concrete. Prefabricated house saves time.
Since the prefabricated houses are built by integrating prefabricated modular parts with each other, their installation takes much shorter time than reinforced concrete structures. While the construction process of the reinforced concrete houses can take months, the determination of the land of the prefabricated houses or offices, the soil survey, the manufacturing and assembly of the modular parts are completed in as little as 1 month on average depending on the size of the project.
2. Prefabricated houses provide higher comfort as water and heat insulation compared to reinforced concrete structure.
Integrated panels manufactured in certain thicknesses for a healthy insulation, Styrofoam and the like materials used between the panels to enhance the insulation, and the roofs manufactured from stone wool and glass wool, constitute only few of the details which make prefabricated houses reliable. That is why water and heat insulation in prefabricated houses generally yields a much higher efficiency than it would be expected to be.
3. The prefabricated house types have the feature that can be dismantled and portable. Reinforced concrete structure is fixed.
Since the dismantling of the prefabricated houses are carried out as easy and short time as their assembly, they have a feature the concrete houses don’t; they have the privilege of being transported to a different area. Accordingly, prefabricated houses, unlike concrete ones, are not forced to remain at one place forever. In case of any relocation, they can be rebuilt as long as the land is suitable for such construction.
4. Prefabricated houses (according to the system in question) offer more economical solutions than reinforced concrete structures.
Since the prefabricated house models are much less costly in terms of material, manufacturing process and labor force compared to reinforced concrete structures, the prices offered to consumers can also be more economical and reasonable. Because reinforced concrete houses or offices depend on much higher cost materials, production processes and require a much higher workforce, costs and prices are proportionally high.
5. Prefabricated houses are much safer and more robust than reinforced concrete structures especially for earthquake zones.
Since prefabricated houses are made of steel construction, special panels and complementary materials, they ensure more reliable results than reinforced concrete houses in terms of protecting their integrity in case of earthquakes and similar adverse situations . For the same reason, prefabricated houses, which have a more robust structure, offer their residents a problem-free living space for a long time.
6. Thanks to prefabricated buildings you can have the home of your dream.
Prefabricated houses can be made in any size owing to its light steel material, and the assembly system that requires no welding, and modular walls. The project of the houses can be designed by the user.
Hebo Yapı, which has been manufacturing in the field of modular buildings and urban furniture with an innovative and environmentalist approach for more than 20 years, provides superior quality products for inland and abroad. The company, which takes into consideration also such features as, durability against challenging circumstances in addition to functionality for the product it manufactures, achieves to make difference with its quality, useful and long-lasting products.
Hebo Yapı, which provides comprehensive and solution-oriented services for prefabricated house and office models, designs and builds your ideal building